How to Design CAI

There are 7 steps to design CAI.

1.    Preparation

First, you have to determine goals and objectives for what students have must learn, what should be the main lesson, supplementary lesson and how should the exercise look like. Second, you have to collect resources for your lesson. Third, you have to learn content to understand it thoroughly.


2.    Design Instruction

The lesson design process is one of the most important steps in determining what a lesson will look like.

- Elimination of Ideas

- Task and Concept Analysis

- Design the first step (Preliminary lesson description).

- Evaluation and Revision of the Design


3.    Flow-Chart Lesson

     It is a presentation of the structure of CAI. The flowcharts provide information about the program, such as what happens when the learner answers the wrong question, or when will the lessons be completed?


4.    Storyboard

It is the process of preparing for presenting text, images as well as media in various multimedia formats on papers to provide the presentation of various messages and styles. These are properly followed on the computer screen.


5.    Program lesson

It is the process of changing the storyboard into CAI by using software. For our class, we use Adobe Captivate to create CAI.


6.    Produce Supporting Materials

Lesson material can be divided into four categories: learners' manual, instructor's manual, the guide for solving technical problems, and additional documentation. Generally, students and teachers have different needs so, the manuals are not the same.


7.    Evaluation and Revise


The designer should observe the learners' behavior after taking the CAI. Then, improving what is not good enough.

